Caldwell County Jail Prepares for Second Year of Community Garden

With the arrival of spring, the Caldwell County Jail is gearing up for the second year of its community garden.

After several years of running rural-urban gardens to support the jail’s budget, the community garden was launched last year thanks to a generous land donation to the local jail from Highland Baptist Church.

Jail Administrator Angela Cotton said that they have gotten an early start on preparing the garden this year.

click to download audioCotton noted that while they are waiting for the last frost before accepting live plant donations for the garden, such contributions will be welcomed. Additionally, she said they are seeking seed potato donations and looking to secure some trellises.

click to download audioAccording to Cotton, once the garden is ready for harvest, all produce will be available free of charge.

click to download audioAdditionally, the garden helps reduce the jail’s budget by providing food for the inmates.

click to download audioCotton shared that she was pleased with the positive feedback from the community about last year’s garden and she’s excited about expanding the garden this year.

click to download audioThe community garden is located diagonally across from Highland Baptist Church at 318 Baker Street.

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