The director of transportation with Caldwell County Schools pleaded with school board members at Monday night’s meeting for help to recruit more bus drivers.
During directors’ reports, Dustin Cash said the district has 29 drivers and 29 routes. Cash added that he is serving as a full-time substitute bus driver and the district has one sub-bus driver for the morning routes. He noted they have been in school about 15-days and they have double routed nine days so far due to the lack of drivers.
click to download audioCash noted that he has seven bus monitors and two mechanics with one of those certified. He added that the transportation department has not been running great so far but they are surviving and he needs help finding bus drivers.
Cash also provided an update about the basketball court, track and fields.
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In new business, school board members approved two payments to Pinnacle, Inc. for over $1.2 million. Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Roach recommended the board pay the third and fourth payment applications to Pinnacle for construction completed on the elementary school renovation project.
click to download audioThe board also approved a change order for $21,831.60 related to existing plumbing conditions for the elementary school.
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A Memorandum of Agreement for Local Area Vocational Education Center (LAVEC) was approved. Roach said the district would receive $150,000 in funds for existing business and ag programs for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years.
click to download audioThe board also recognized some students and this month’s Tiger Testimonial award. WPKY’s News Edge will have a story about those recognitions coming up this week.
The next regular Caldwell County Board of Education meeting will be Monday evening, October 27, at 6:00 in the Butler Auditorium.