Caldwell County Public Schools will be holding classes on Election Day, November 8th.
Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Roach announced at Monday night’s school board meeting that they have added Tuesday, November 8th back into the school calendar for this year and explained the day could be used as a snow day if needed.
click to download audioIn new business, board members approved a KETS offer of assistance from the School Facilities Construction Commission in the amount of $21,286. Dr. Jeremy Roach explained the KETS offer is something the district receives annually from the Kentucky Department of Education to help match funds for technology infrastructure.
click to download audioIn other action, the board approved a payment in the amount of $202,082 to Pinnacle for the renovation project at the Caldwell County Elementary School.
click to download audioThe next regularly scheduled meeting of the Caldwell County Board of Education will be Monday evening, November 21, at 6:00 in the Butler Auditorium.