Caldwell LTRG Moves Forward With One Year Commemoration Of Tornado

The one-year commemoration of the EF-4 tornado that struck Princeton and claimed the lives of four individuals in the county will be held following the Christmas Parade.
At Monday night’s Caldwell Long-Term Recovery Group meeting, Chair Kota Young said District 4 Magistrate Jeff Simms had taken that idea and talked with those individuals impacted by the tornado and asked him to share his thoughts. Simms said a recommendation was made to piggyback off of the December 10th Christmas Parade while people are gathered in downtown Princeton.

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LTRG member Al Brunelle questioned whether it was appropriate to have a commemoration ceremony after the Christmas parade. Young said he had made a good point, but he thinks it’s a nice opportunity because the whole community will be there and the street will be closed off in downtown. Young then asked Caldwell County Chamber of Commerce President Heather Riley her thoughts on the ceremony. She said it’s been discussed and planned if that what’s the LTRG would like to do. She added that this could be a time to remember the lives lost and to be thankful for those who survived and lived through the tornado.
The LTRG also approved the financial report after Young pointed out that two rounds of funding for over $297,000 has been disbursed in the last few weeks.

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Young also presented the Form A review of the money distributed to applicants thet he noted does not include state funding.

click to download audioIn other new business, Young presented the long-term recovery group’s proposed By-Laws that he said were restructured and simplified. He noted the LTRG would vote on the proposed By-Laws at the next meeting.

The LTRG also approved by a 10-2 vote the Donated Goods Policy in order to establish a procedure for the distribution of donated goods from available resources to eligible individuals and families using an equitable and unbiased case management process.
The next Caldwell LTRG meeting will be Monday evening, November 28, at 6:00 at the Princeton Tourist Welcome Center at City Hall.

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