What am I going to do with my life? That is a question almost everyone has asked at some point in their life. 8th-grade students at the Caldwell County Middle School were given a chance to look into the future and real-world Thursday morning while participating in the Reality Store. Rhonda Jewell local 4-H Agent explains.
click to download audioJewell spends 2 days in the classroom giving insight into the real world and hopes as these 8th graders begin looking to the future they become aware of what is involved.
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Jewell describes part of the requirements to get a job.
click to download audioEach 8th grader is given the situation of being 25 years old and entering the workforce. Belle Butts learned the expenses of living on her own and said she would probably have to walk to work because of the cost of paying for everything.
click to download audioEach of the local banks was represented and told students about loans and other services they offer. Kelly Capps of Planters Bank was glad to be part of the experience.
click to download audioJewell said she had been part of the Reality Store for 21 years and it was a great learning tool for students to be exposed to options in planning their future.