Caldwell FFA Awards Greenhand And Chapter Degrees (w/PHOTOS)

The Caldwell County FFA Chapter held a degree ceremony at the Fine Arts Building at the high school Tuesday night as part of National FFA week.
The meeting began with the traditional FFA opening including the membership answer to the president asking why they are there.

click to download audioThe FFA Creed was recited by Junior President Noah Bailey.

click to download audioThe Greenhand degree is the first level of accomplishment a member can obtain after completing the requirements set forth by the National FFA organization. The officer team bestowed this degree on 58 members after being assured by the Chapter Advisor that they had met all the requirements. The next level of member accomplishment is the Chapter degree which requires several additional requirements of classroom leadership, a supervised agriculture program, and hours of participation. This degree was given to an additional 16 members after being presented to the officers by the Chapter Advisor.
Ethan Ramage received the Greenhand degree and hopes to one day be Chapter President or Vice President and go into the field of agriculture.

click to download audioMadison French also received the Greenhand degree and looks forward to growing in the FFA.

click to download audioPaycen Rogers received the Chapter Farmer degree feels it is a special accomplishment and appreciates the example the older member has set for the Club.

click to download audioChapter Advisor Parker Jennings thought the night was a success.

click to download audioThe FFA organization issues 4 levels of degrees with the Greenhand and Chapter being presented by the local chapter. The state degree is issued at the state level and the national degree is awarded by the national organization.
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