The Caldwell County Band Boosters presented “The Follies” Saturday night at the high school Fine Arts Building with around 150 in attendance.
The Follies has been a fundraiser for the local band program beginning back in the 70s. The show features various members of the band and community performing their different talents. This year there were 18 acts presented by individuals and groups of performers during the 2-hour program. Tess Cowan and George Kilgore from WPKY served as the Masters of Ceremonies for the presentation.
There have been years when the Band Boosters did not present the Follies but Caldwell County Middle School Band Director Mason Henry wants to begin having it every year. He felt they went really well this year and hopes to get more community members involved in the future.
click to download audioOne of the performers who returned to be a part of the Follies was former WPKY personality, Andrew Cummins. He remembered his time working at the local station and credits his time there to his dad Ken Cummins.
click to download audio
Cummins currently resides in Versailles and came back to perform after being asked by Director Henry.
click to download audioNicky Dunbar is a former band booster president and fondly remembers the years he was a part of the band program and the Follies.
click to download audioThe program ended with a performance by the joint middle and high school jazz band led by Henry who coordinated the Follies. The band boosters want to thank the sponsors who helped make the program possible.