Princeton First Baptist Church members gathered in front of the Christian Life Center on Sunday at noon and celebrated the final payment of the loan on that building.
When the payment was made in February it ended the debt on the building 2 years ahead of schedule. William Fralick was the chairman of the construction committee that lead the effort to build the current facility in 2 stages. Stage one began in 2009 and included the gym area, kitchen, and front lobby. Stage two began around 2016 adding the upper level with the walking track, classrooms, and elevator.
Fralick remembered the long-range planning committee started making plans for the building around the year 2000.
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First Baptist was able to purchase the “Cash Property” which provided the location for the new building. The church then agreed on a plan that involved raising a level of money and when that was met the construction would begin.
click to download audioFralick said the membership had a vision for the new building and the Lord provided each step of the way.
click to download audioDixon Taylor of Princeton Lumber remembers the building process and is glad his company was able to be a part of it.
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Rick Williams serves as chairman of the First Baptist Budget and Finance Committee. He shared that the church had to take out a large loan for each stage in the construction of the building and with God’s blessing they were able to pay off both loans ahead of time.
click to download audioFralick expressed that this building started out as a step of faith and as a result, the church is now blessed by the members that had that vision over 20 years ago.
click to download audioFralick added that the original plans provided for a third stage that would add to the front of the building out toward Main Street for additional classrooms and meeting space. The plans are in place when the need for the addition is needed.