The American Legion Post 68 in Kuttawa will display Flags of Honor again this year.
Post 68 Commander Bob Chaplin tells Your News Edge the Flags of Honor started in Princeton before it was moved to Eddyville City Park.
click to download audioHe says the American Legion in Kuttawa took a different approach than Princeton with the display.
click to download audioChaplin encourages anyone wishing to honor a military veteran to fill out the form available on the American Legion Post 68 Facebook page.
click to download audioThe forms should be submitted by May 10th, but Chaplin says nobody will be denied after that date.
click to download audioHe states that the Flags of Honor are displayed from Memorial Day to July 4th.
click to download audioTo request a Flags of Honor Dedication form, contact Post Commander Bob Chaplin at (270) 969-8358 or send a message on American Legion Post 68’s Facebook page.