The Caldwell County FFA Chapter competed in the annual Agriculture Field Day held on the Murray State University campus on Wednesday.
This Field Day allows students to compete with students in various competitions they choose to enter as well as meet other students from across the region. Brian Parr is the Interim Dean of the Hutson School of Agriculture at Murray State and shared this field day has been a part of the schools program for many years.
click to download audioStudents from Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, Missouri as well as Kentucky participated in the field day.
Parr shared they were glad to have well over 1000 students on Murray’s Campus to enter the 20 different contest.
click to download audioRachel McClung was one of the students to compete and explained some of the areas of competition.
click to download audio
McClung was excited to be on the Murray Campus and will be attending Murray State as a student in the fall.
click to download audioCaldwell County has a strong tradition of doing well at the field day according to Advisor Megan Woods.
click to download audioWoods explained after they receive the results of the contest the students will begin to prepare for the Kentucky State Fair in August.
click to download audioThe Caldwell County FFA Chapter came in second place overall for the 2023 Field Day.