Caldwell Fiscal Court Examining Budget Shortfall

Caldwell County Fiscal Court heard a report about its jail, along with the benefits renewals for Fiscal Year 2024 and held a budget workshop for the next fiscal year at its Tuesday morning meeting.
Prior to delving into the 160-page budget proposal department by department, Judge-executive Kota Young said the county is facing some severe financial difficulties moving forward that includes a more than a $1.2 million reduction and over a $600,000 shortfall.

click to download audioHe said the fiscal court has its work cut out for them and they will figure it out and added it’s going to be a difficult few years ahead but this is the first step — in his opinion — on how they can get the county back on solid financial footing. District 2 Magistrate Jeff Boone also pointed out that the reason the budget has jumped drastically this year is because of the $4 million they are repaying for tornado cleanup with Young explaining some of the expenditures are causing the difference.

click to download audioSince this was a working budget, there was no action taken. The proposed budget will be presented at a future fiscal court meeting for a vote.

Magistrates also heard from Jailer William Harper about his recent occupancy jail inspection and report. He explained that a specialist with the Department of Corrections conducts an inspection that covers 73 questions and items.

click to download audioYoung applauded Harper for what he called a “wonderful” recent inspection.
District 4 Magistrate Jeff Simms commended Harper on the cleanliness of the jail, the kitchen, and the cell area.

click to download audio

And magistrates heard from Heather Nesler from Pell & Holland about a couple of changes to the benefits renewal package for Fiscal Year ’24, which she noted had minor increases on the health insurance and life insurance the county pays.

click to download audioMagistrate Simms explained they are making a huge investment in the employees in Caldwell County by trying to supplement this level of coverage.

click to download audioMagistrates unanimously approved the benefits renewal package.
The next regular fiscal court meeting will be held on March 23 at 9:00 a.m.

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