Princeton Optimist And Kiwanis Clubs Thanking Community For 2023 Auction Support

The Princeton Optimist Club Radio Auction was held last week and when the totals were calculated Friday night it showed another record-breaking year with $38,601 being raised for youth activities for the local community.
The auction was held Monday through Friday evenings at the Christian Life Center at Princeton First Baptist Church and broadcast live on 1580/103.3 WPKY.
Optimist Club President George Kilgore said going into the auction, the club was not sure what to expect after the record-breaking auction last year.

He added that going into the auction this year they were behind in the number of items needed, but the community stepped up and responded by bringing in additional donations during the week.

Roy Gene Rogers has been a member of the Optimist Club for 48 years and has seen many auctions. He noted it was great to see how the Optimist and Kiwanis Clubs, as well as, the community worked together to have a successful outcome.

His goal for next year’s auction is to get more community participation during the first part of the week.

The Princeton Kiwanis Club has partnered in the effort for the past several years. Kiwanis President Ruth Gray thanked everyone who helped make the auction a success, especially the students who volunteered and First Baptist Church.
She explained the club would be supporting youth activities and providing scholarships from the proceeds of the auction.

Melba McGowan has attended the auction for several years but recently joined the Optimist Club. She saw a different side of the auction as a member and enjoyed being a part of it in that capacity.

McGowan said she loves being a part of the club and is ready to help again in the auction and other activities the club sponsors.

Kilgore said the thing that sticks out in his mind about the auction this year is how the community came together and did their part to make it a success.

The Optimist Club will continue to give updates about the auction to WPKY and their Facebook pages, as well as, give recognition to additional donations as they are received.

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