City-County Park Board Discusses Grounds Renovations, Grant For Softball Field Renovation

The City-County Park Board met in a special session Wednesday afternoon.
Board members were given the July and August financial reports and heard reports on different projects currently being processed relating to the grounds and renovations, as well as the park director’s report.
Princeton Mayor Brock Thomas serves as chairman of the board and presides over the meeting. He explained the board is looking at options for uses for the grounds and is going to conduct a timber management survey.

He also updated the board on the grant to renovate the softball fields. The grant has been awarded, but the city is waiting for the signed paperwork before beginning the project. The $500,000 matching grant will see $250,000 coming from the Department of Local Government and the other half from the City of Princeton either with cash or in-kind contributions.
He added when that grant is completed, it will result in the total removal and replacement of the current softball fields.

Thomas said the park board is planning on continuing its partnership with Dawson Springs ball leagues next year. The fields in Dawson Springs are being rebuilt following the December 2021 tornado.

He expressed his appreciation to everyone who helped with the reopening of the swimming pool this season and reported there is still work to be completed while the pool is closed.

Thomas said good things are happening at the local recreational facility and looks forward to the upcoming years as the park continues to be developed.
He pointed out the new picnic tables that were recently donated for the pavilion by the local Elks Lodge and encouraged other groups to partner with the park board in the future.

The City-County Park is owned by the City of Princeton and Caldwell County Fiscal Court and is located on Highway 62 East.

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