Local WW2 Veteran H.C. Beck tells his story on WPKY


WW2 Veteran H.C. Beck visited WPKY’s “Coffee Talk with Tess” Friday Morning, November 3rd, to share his life, his struggles, and all the parts in between, that he says, most never hear.  Beck said he was in hopes that his story, and experiences, would allow others the opportunity to learn the truth about what war was really like, and appreciate the service of Veterans.  Listen to the full visit below.

On Saturday, November 4th, all Veterans and Families are invited to Donaldson Baptist Church, in Farmersville, for their annual Veteran’s Breakfast at 7am.  Fellowship, food and Memories will be shared. No reservation required. 
Saturday evening, November 4th, Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church will hold their annual Veteran’s Celebration Dinner at 5pm! FREE Catfish and all the fixins alongside stories, memories and fellowship with fellow Veterans and their families.  Then, Sunday, November 5th, Veterans, families and guests are invited to honor those who have served our Country, with the annual Veteran’s Service at 11am, featuring special guest speaker, retired Col George F. Barber. Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church is located at 18079 Hopkinsville Rd, in Princeton.

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