County Clerk Updates Magistrates On Vehicle Division Temporary Closure

During a special called Fiscal Court meeting, Caldwell County magistrates heard an update about the new statewide system that will be installed and implemented in the Motor Vehicle Department of the County Clerk’s Office.

County Clerk Jennifer Hale provided updated information to magistrates on how the new KAVIS system will affect the Motor Vehicle Department, which will be closed from December 29th through January 15th.

click to download audioShe said the good news is the state is rolling KAVIS out in three phases and Caldwell County is in the third phase, therefore she is hopeful “all of the kinks will be worked out.”

Furthermore, Hale said records and deeds departments in the basement of the courthouse will operate as normal during this time frame.

click to download audioShe noted this will only affect anything related to vehicles.

click to download audioHale also explained that beginning in 2024 the state is going plate to person instead of plate to vehicle, much like the special plate and personalized plate systems.

click to download audioAs a result of this change, Hale requested permission to borrow from the 2023 Calendar Year bank account to pay her employees at the beginning of the Calendar Year 2024, who she stated will still be working during this time frame, but they won’t be collecting much money. Magistrates unanimously approved the motion.

In other new business, magistrates approved the appointment of District 2 Magistrate Jeff Boone and District 4 Magistrate Jeff Simms as viewers for Wildwood Point Road after residents requested it be added to the county road system.

Magistrates also approved several other action items including a Memorandum of Understanding between the Fiscal Court and the Administrative Office of the Court for annex repair and a Safe Streets and Roads for All resolution.

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