The Caldwell County Conservation District is planning the annual tree seedling giveaway for this year. The event will be held in April in conjunction with Earth Day.
According to Hannah Feagan with the conservation district, the seedlings have been ordered but they do not have the date yet when they will be delivered.
click to download audioFeagan shared the types of trees to be available this year.
click to download audioAuthur Dunn from the local district noted that any land or homeowners are welcome to come and pick up some seedlings.
Dunn explained the seedlings are easy to plant.
click to download audioFeagan added they will begin the distribution at 8:00 am on the day of the giveaway and they will also have some bluebird houses for anyone interested.
click to download audioShe also asked that everyone be respectful and allow others to be able to receive both the seedlings and birdhouses. She added that the supply usually is gone very quickly.
click to download audioFor more information, you can contact Feagan at her office at 270-449-3054. When the date is available for the giveaway it will be announced on the Caldwell County Conservation District Facebook page and also here on WPKY.