Residents and Students in Princeton Gather to Watch Eclipse

Residents and students gathered to prepare for and watch the eclipse around Princeton Monday afternoon.

WPKY was out and talking to different individuals and groups as they watched the various stages of the eclipse and shared their thoughts.

Karen Lewis was outside of First Southern Bank.

click to download audioRonnie Coleman was sitting outside of Coleman Boots on Main Street.

click to download audioBrad Herndon was also outside of Coleman’s.

click to download audioLee Gill was preparing her preschool students to watch and used paper plates to help the students keep their glasses in place.

click to download audioKara Cayce and her kindergarten students had been preparing in several ways for the eclipse.

click to download audioAmy Littlejohn shared that elementary students have been studying about the eclipse since before spring break.

click to download audioAt the middle school teacher Wendy McKinney explained the students had been watching the changes around the sun leading up to the actual eclipse.

click to download audioHigh school Principal Daniel Kukahiko was glad the students were able to experience the event.

click to download audioAthletic Director and teacher Jeff Riley said the students were excited about seeing the eclipse.

click to download audioHigh School Senior Cole Slone was looking forward to the experience.

click to download audioHigh school student Grace Oliver was excited about seeing the whole eclipse.

click to download audioAll the students and individuals took the importance of wearing their glasses seriously and had them on while watching and everyone seemed to enjoy the experience.


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