The King’s Kitchen of Caldwell County to Offer Summer Feeding Program

The Caldwell County COPE Youth Service Center has announced that The King’s Kitchen of Caldwell County will be offering its Summer Feeding Program with a selection of kid-friendly groceries again this summer.

As per the announcement, The King’s Kitchen of Caldwell County will offer kid-friendly food during summer break on alternate Tuesdays, from 2 pm to 6:30 pm. The pick-up dates for this program are scheduled for June 4, June 18, July 2, and July 16. The food will be provided free of charge to all children between the ages of 2 and 18. It can be picked up at Southside Baptist Church from 2 pm to 6:30 pm.

This year, individuals will need to park and enter the facility to receive their food box or bag, similar to shopping in a grocery store. A cart will be provided for your convenience, but you will be responsible for carrying your groceries to your car.

To enroll your child or children in this program, contact Lee Anne Gilkey at 270-625-4627 via call or text after 1:30 pm on weekdays and no later than 9 pm. She will need a contact name and phone number of the individual picking up the food, along with the names and ages of all children you wish to sign up.

Due to limited availability and increasing food costs, officials have announced that there will be a restricted number of openings this year. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis, so it is advised to sign up early to secure your spot. Once the maximum capacity is reached, a waiting list will be initiated. If you are on the list and fail to attend without prior notification on any of the scheduled dates, you will be removed from the list, and your spot will be given to someone on the waitlist.

Visit The Kings Kitchen of Caldwell County’s Facebook page and request to join their private group to stay updated on reminders, changes in times, dates, locations, and more.


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