Hummingbird Festival August 3rd And 4th At Land Between The Lakes


Hummingbirds will be the show’s stars this weekend at the Woodlands Nature Station in Land Between the Lakes during the annual Hummingbird Festival.

LBL Naturalist Annabelle Barr says the Hummingbird Festival is planned for Saturday, August 3rd, and Sunday, August 4th.

click to download audioBarr says there will be some experts on hand to conduct banding and provide some education for those who stop by the Nature Station.

click to download audioShe adds that the festival includes several activities, in addition to the hummingbird banding.

click to download audioThe Woodlands Nature Station is located in Land Between the Lakes at 3146 Silver Trail Road. The regular admission of $9 for Adults and $7 for children ages 5 to 17 to the Nature Station includes all the Hummingbird Festival activities.


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