Beware Of Cold Weather Stress On Livestock

Winter is fast approaching and the combination of cold air and winds create dangerous and emergency-category periods of livestock cold stress.

During the winter months, livestock needs extra care to maintain body weight and energy. University of Kentucky’s Agricultural Meteorologist, Matt Dixon says that so far, Kentucky’s livestock herds are doing well.

click to download audioUnlike previous years, a shortage of hay is not a concern this year.

click to download audioDixon says the real test of livestock’s condition will come when serious winter weather sets in.

click to download audioDepending on the growing and harvest conditions, feed quality will change from year to year. It’s important to make sure the hay being fed will be adequate to meet livestock’s needs.

click to download audioPerhaps the most important thing producers can do is to take care of themselves in extreme cold. Make sure you protect yourself from the elements, so you can be the caregiver to your livestock that you need to be.


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