Deputies with the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office were busy over the weekend serving warrants to individuals recently indicted by a Lyon County grand jury on various charges from strangulation, assault and robbery to wanton endangerment and possession of controlled substances.
Around 3:45 Saturday afternoon, Deputy Keith Suits served warrants to 37-year old Clinton P. Atwood of Eddyville, 58-year old Melanie K. Ford of Eddyville and formerly of Marion, and 59-year old Brian Hess of Marion.
According to the report, Atwood was indicted on charges of fourth-degree assault (domestic violence) and first-degree strangulation. Ford was indicted on charges of DUI, first-degree possession of a controlled substance, illegal possession of a Legend drug, possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, and prescription not in proper container, and Hess was indicted on charges of second-degree assault, first-degree robbery, and first-degree strangulation.
Later Saturday afternoon, Deputy Suits served Lyon Circuit Court indictments at the McCracken County Detention Center to 57-year old Tommy Harris of Lebanon, Missouri, and 45-year old Michael W. Brown of Huntertown, Indiana.
The indictment for Harris charges him with speeding 26 mph or over, first-degree and second-degree fleeing or evading police on foot and in a vehicle, DUI aggravating circumstances, first-degree criminal mischief, six counts of first-degree wanton endangerment, resisting arrest, first-degree criminal mischief, and vehicle-related offenses.
Brown’s indictment charges him with speeding 26 mph or over, leaving the scene of an accident/failure to render aid or assistance, first-degree fleeing or evading police in a motor vehicle, reckless driving, three counts of first-degree wanton endangerment, first-degree criminal mischief and improper lane usage.
Around 5:00 Saturday afternoon, Deputy Joe Witherspoon served an indictment warrant at the McCracken County Jail to 44-year old Mark A. McKenzie of Eddyville, and formerly of Paducah, on charges for first-degree fleeing or evading police on foot, resisting arrest, first-degree possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine) and possession of drug paraphernalia.